Mark Osborn – Bass Player with the OKCPHIL has a passion for inspiring young musicians. He began playing in Norman public schools at age 9, attended The University of Oklahoma and joined the OKCPHIL in its first season. His side gigs include playing as a member of Oklahoma Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, The Lawton Philharmonic, and he is co-founder of “Oklahoma Bass Bash” a music camp for Middle and High School students. “I am fortunate to teach in such an arts friendly school system in Norman.” A past Teaching Fellow for the Kennedy Center, Mark says “I love coming to ‘work’ but it really doesn’t feel like work to me.
If I weren’t a professional musician I’m not sure what I would be doing. It is such a part of me I haven’t even thought of doing anything else. I remember when I was about 16 I wanted to move to Germany and play in an orchestra and become a test car driver for Mercedes.” Now “I have two active high school daughters and a very understanding wife who completely understands a musicians lifestyle.”